〜 父の日企画 オンラインショップ限定 〜
GUATEMALA Huehuetenango Qezal - Deep Roast -
グアテマラ ウエウエテナンゴ ケツァール - 深煎り -
INDONESIA Grav Farm SUKARATSU#1 - Medium Roast -
インドネシア グラヴファーム スカラツ#1 - 中深煎り -
ETIOPIA Aricha Natural - Light Roast -
エチオピア アリーチャ ナチュラル - 浅煎り -
COSTA RICA Luis Eduardo Campos Anaerobic - Light Roast -
コスタリカ ルイス・エドゥワルド・カンポス アナエロビック - 浅煎り -
ETIOPIA Sidamo Descamex DCAF - Light Roast -
エチオピア シダモ デスカメックス デカフェ - 浅煎り –
“Original DRIP BAG / limited sale on online store”
〜 Father’s Day project 〜
We have received many inquiries for drip bags so far.
We now are pleased to announce a new product that will be available for a limited period targeting Father’s Day.
Coffee for the morning, coffee to refresh yourself, coffee to spend time with friends, and so on…
The taste you want and enjoy depends on the occasion.
We have carefully selected our unique coffee beans to be assorted of 5 different types of them, from light roasted to deep roasted or decaf.
Please try something you would not usually choose for this opportunity, and you may discover something new…
Delivery Period: June 1 – June 16 (limited sale until June 11 for orders received)
*If you would like a message card, please ask us when you place your order.
Types of coffee beans assorted:
GUATEMALA Huehuetenango Qezal - Deep Roasted
INDONESIA Grav Farm SUKARATSU#1 - Medium Roasted
ETIOPIA Aricha Natural - Light Roasted
COSTA RICA Luis Eduardo Campos Anaerobic - Light Roasted
ETIOPIA Sidamo Descamex DCAF - Light Roasted
Price: ¥1,300- (tax included)